Hi Everyone!
I'm writing at the end of my first day! It
was super busy! I don't have much time to write.
My companion is a great person! His name
is Elder Kapisi, he is from Maui. There are two other elders in our district,
Elder Coleman and Elder Kafusi, both great missionaries. They're a very fun
group to be around!
So today, we met our district, chilled,
then group taught an investigator, then met our zone leaders. Today we have a
busy day of training and teaching, then we'll officially meet our branch
presidency tonight (we met the president briefly last night).
Love you and talk to you soon!
Elder Morgan
All missionaries are called by the formal title of Elder plus their last name, if they are male, or Sister and their last name, if they are female.
MTC (Missionary Training Center)
At the beginning of their service, LDS missionaries usually spend 2-12 weeks at an MTC where they receive training in doctrine, conduct, proselytizing methods, and when required, a foreign language. There are 15 MTC's throughout the world.
A missionary companionship, consisting of two (or occasionally, three) is the smallest organizational unit of a mission. Every missionary is assigned by the mission president to be another missionary's companion.
District Leaders and Zone Leaders
Missionaries are divided into zones each led by one or more missionaries assigned as zone leaders. The number of missionaries in a zone varies. Zones are divided into districts, each being led by a missionary assigned as a district leader. A district usually has two to four missionary companionships. The zones leaders and district leaders train the missionaries, and see after their welfare.
Branch Presidency
This is the ecclesiastical leadership for the missionaries while living at the MTC. The missionaries are divided into branches which are congregations that meet for Sunday Church services. Sunday church services are held under the direction of a Branch President and his two counselors which together form a branch presidency.
A person interested in learning more about the LDS faith.
P-Day (Preparation Day)
One day a week is set aside for missionaries to shop, do laundry, write letters, take care of personal needs and plan for the week. Preparation day ends and missionaries return to their proselytizing labors around 5:00 or 6:00 p.m.
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