If you just want highlights, read the RED.
at the MTC is crazy. The days feel super long while we are going through them,
but when I reflect on what I've done, they seem to have gone by so fast. Day 1
(one), I got here and they sent me
straight to work. I came in, got my name tag, then went to a fireside, after
that fireside I had dinner, then class.
at the MTC is where we learn how to teach in the same way Jesus Christ taught.
We learn a lot about how to teach people and not just lessons, and we learn how
to bring the Spirit of the Lord into lessons. In a typical class we're given a
topic to study (not a gospel topic, but a topic on teaching), then study it for
a few minutes, discuss it, watch the teacher role play it, and finally we
practice it with our companion.
of the most eye opening things I learned was as I was watching a devotional that
Elder Bednar gave missionaries a few years ago. His main focus was developing
the Character of Christ in ourselves. We need to turn outward when we feel like
turning inward. If we are charitable only to bless ourselves, we will not be
blessed, but if we're charitable to care about others we will be blessed and
they will be blessed.
other highlights from devotionals:
Elder Soares (Presidency of the Seventy)
we are exactly obedient, the Holy Ghost (Spirit) will be with us and we will
have a much more successful mission.
Sister Soares
to never loose testimony, be pure in heart, and never lose faith.
Sister Bertasso
an environment for the Spirit before you go to sleep. Pray, read a scripture,
leave you scriptures open while sleeping, and sleep with a pen and a notebook
next to your bed to record and promptings from the Spirit. Then when you wake
up, reflect on impressions you may have received from the Spirit.
President Bertasso (MTC Presidency
Spirit will help you read and learn from the Book of Mormon. As you read, create an environment
conducive to the Spirit. Take time to read, discuss, and point out key points.
If the Holy Ghost is there as you read, you will learn new things. (This applies to the Bible as well.)
also encourage you to listen to Bishop Gérald Caussé's talk about the gospel: Is
it Still Wonderful to You? (April 2015 LDS General Conference)
is another thing that I've learned to appreciate. Prayer is a conversation
between a person and God. As we sincerely express our desires to Him, he will
bless us and help us. Though it may not be on our timeline, we have to have
faith that things will work out on his timeline. Having that faith in God's
timeline in another thing I'm working on.
Musically: This past week at the MTC, I was able to be in the choir. We sang a
beautiful SATB arrangement of "Nearer, My God To Thee" accompanied by
organ. I loved it, it was very touching. Tomorrow I am auditioning to perform
Sally Deford's arrangement of "Be Still, My Soul" at one of Sunday's
think I've gone over my one hour of email time, so I must be done. I love you
all! Thanks for the support! Feel free to email me or send me Dear Elder
Letters at www.dearelder.com! After this
Sunday, I won't be able to receive Dear Elder Letters because I leave for
Arizona on Monday! The next time you hear from me will most likely be Monday,
June 1.
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