Weekly update by Elder Morgan
- On Thursday we were cleaning up a less-active church member's yard. I was doing a lot of weeding and got my first AZ sunburn on my arms!
- Friday, we had dinner with a member family and they had their neighbor from England join us. He was a non-member, we were told not to be "too missionary," and it was super fun! Member dinners are the best because they give us so much food and they're home cooked and free. I'm so appreciative. We get member dinners almost every night, except Wednesday. At our dinners we get to meet with less-active members or non-members too! (Great for a missionary!)
- Sunday was the busiest day of the week. We bounce back-and-forth between two buildings for branch meetings and ward meetings, then in the evening my companion has to put in numbers (zone leader or district leader work). We went to a member's house last [Sunday] night (the Tenney's) and they were super nice, funny, and fun to be around. I also gave a talk about member missionary work on Sunday too! I'll ask my mom to post it on the blog.

love you all and am thinking of and missing you!
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