Hello all! Things are going well here in Show Low.
Here is a
rundown of my week:

Tuesday, June 2: We taught a part member family about praying often. We also gave
everyone a chance to bear their testimony. They are all almost ready to be
baptized, and in that lesson we talked about eternal families and the temple. The
spirit was very strong. I am grateful for our Heavenly Father's plan of
Happiness and that we can all live with our families for eternity. I'm grateful
that in the temple, we can be sealed with our family for eternity. For dinner,
another part-member family took us out. It was a Mexican Grill called Lacaons.
It was so good. I had a Chicken Chimichanga and Fried Ice Cream. Then we had
game night with the YSA Branch. I tossed a Frisbee while I was there and it felt
so good.
Wednesday, June 3: Time started to feel like it was moving faster. I was starting
to get more comfortable with people. We had a district meeting where we
talked about how to do better at finding people to teach (ride your bike & ask for referrals
when you shake someone's hand) and we discussed how to adjust to missionary life. We also
talked about have a booth at Show Low Days (it is a festival for the city of
Show Low). We had missionary night with the YSA Branch and while we were out I taught a less-active member the Plan of Salvation. That day we also made some
visits to people with the family ward mission leader. It was also my first time
giving a blessing to someone I hardly new. It was a unique experience!
Thursday, June 4: We had to drift from our normal routine for the next few days
because of Show Low Days. At 9 a.m. we went and set up for the festival. We hung
signs, ran electricity from the generator, and helped vendors set up. After that
we met with a potential investigator who wasn't very receptive to the Book of
Mormon. That's okay though! I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God
and teaches us eternal truths and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With the Book of
Mormon and the Bible, we can learn exactly what God wants us to know in this
life. And as we pray, read, and study the Book of Mormon, our testimony can be
strengthened in modern-day prophets and the church (see the last two paragraphs
to the Book of Mormon Introduction). Also during my studies that day, 1 Nephi (First Nephi) chapter 3 stood out to me. It teaches a lot about trials. I encourage you all to
read it. I got burned being out side today and I think I'm starting to get more
Friday, June 5: We studied then did our weekly planning. We setup our Show Low
Days booth (we had tables with Book of Mormons and other proselyting materials).
Then staffed it. We then went to teach a lesson to a women who's boyfriend is a
member. I extended an invitation to baptism and she accepted! The spirit was
again strong. We returned to the apartment to do more planning, but then went to
dinner (it was with another part member family and we ate ribs and baked beans
and cherry pie). During dinner it thunder stormed and rained really hard.
Afterwards, we went over to Show Low days to help cleanup/close down our booth
and drive the elders, who had been out in the storm, home. I also learned more about
hope and trials that day. I know as I hope in the things that I know are true
(the atonement, eternal life, promised blessing, priesthood authority, the Book
of Mormon, etc.) I will be able to better endure through trials. Trials may not
go away, but Heavenly Father will help me endure through them.
Saturday, June 6: This was the first day of my mission I forgot to write in my
journal. We started the day by putting our booth back up, then went to breakfast
at the Stake President's. Then my companion had a meeting. After that we staffed
the booth then went and did some service. One part-member family is doing their
own home improvement, so we are helping extend their patio. We have prepared the
land and tomorrow we will go and finish the project. I got mail that day (thank
you to all who sent letters) too. In the evening we manned the booth for another
hour, rode one of the rides at the festival, then clean up our booth.
Sunday, June 7: We woke up at 6 a.m. to help vendors clean up their booths. We then
studied and had a lot of church meetings. In the evening we helped the seminary
teacher recruit students to enroll (they do released time and the deadline for
enrollment with the school is fast approaching). I felt sick a lot of yesterday
That was last week! Thanks for your love and support!
P-Day (Preparation Day)
Missionaries write emails, do laundry, grocery shop etc.
FHE - Family Home Evening
Monday evenings have been set aside for families in the LDS church to spend family time together. No church meetings are scheduled on Mondays. The exception is YSA wards where young adults get together and socialize by doing service or playing games, etc.
Stake President
An ecclesiastical leader in the LDS Church.
A daily religious education program for teenagers in the LDS church. Classes generally meet for 50 minutes each week day.
Released Time Seminary
Students may enroll in seminary during the school day. Seminary replaces an elective or study hall period. A seminary building is located next to the school and students have permission to leave the school campus for one period and go to the seminary building where they will attend their seminary class. This program is generally offered in areas where there is a large LDS population. (Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Arizona, parts of Washington, California and possibly more.)
*Early Morning Seminary
In Virginia, where Elder Morgan is from, most LDS teenagers attend seminary at a local church building at 6:00 a.m. before school. The church also offers an online seminary course and home-study seminary.
A daily religious education program for teenagers in the LDS church. Classes generally meet for 50 minutes each week day.
Released Time Seminary
Students may enroll in seminary during the school day. Seminary replaces an elective or study hall period. A seminary building is located next to the school and students have permission to leave the school campus for one period and go to the seminary building where they will attend their seminary class. This program is generally offered in areas where there is a large LDS population. (Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Arizona, parts of Washington, California and possibly more.)
*Early Morning Seminary
In Virginia, where Elder Morgan is from, most LDS teenagers attend seminary at a local church building at 6:00 a.m. before school. The church also offers an online seminary course and home-study seminary.
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